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The Long Walk Home/El largo camino a casa

The Long Walk Home / El largo camino a casa

A Mayan Family's Journey In Search of Refuge

A multimedia concert by David R Molina
Featuring La Familia Rodriguez

Liliana on vocals

December 8 - 9, 2023
at 8:00pm in Brava’s Main Stage

The Long Walk Home is a multimedia-audio documentary-concert which shares the epic true story of La Familia Rodriguez, a Guatemalan Mayan family who fled violence in their homeland; survived a dangerous journey to the USA, narco predators at the border, family separation in U.S. detention centers; their miraculous reunification, and their talent as professional clown performers. The story is told with their own recorded voices, which Molina documented over a span of 2 years. Social justice theater artist Roberto G. Varea and Molina co-created an audio script based on these interviews. A quintet of amazing Bay Area musicians will perform a live soundtrack which blends minimalism, jazz, ambient, electronic, and Guatemalan folk music. Though the piece is primarily in Spanish, video art and supertitles make it accessible to English and Spanish speakers.

December 9

The Long Walk Home El Largo Camino a Casa

May 3
